A couple of days ago I received a scrub catalog in the mail. I fell in love with these black patent beauties by nursmates. A little upset I can't wear them to clinical because we can only wear white shoes. Being a lover of shoes, that is the one downside when it comes to nursing attire. There is not much options to chose from. I will definitely be purchasing them for work. I work as a nursing assistant.
10 days until school starts. I am enjoying actually going to the library for leisure instead of spending hours at an end there reading textbooks and writing care plans and term papers. I admit I am itching for classes to restart, because this brings me closer to graduation. I am also loathing the return to class because of the stress that accompanies it. Nursing school=no life.I feel like I only get to see and interact with my family, friends, and boyfriend in between semesters. When I don't have my nose buried in a nursing textbook I feel guilty. This semester I am taking medsurg II, psych nursing, and pharmacology, which means no free time for me. Being able to graduate with a Bachelors degree in nursing is what keeps my eye on the prize.
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