Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Where to Begin

The thought of starting a blog has been brewing in the back of my head for a long time. I just never knew what I would talk about and who would want to read. After going through the numerous tribulations of nursing school it came to me. Only nursing students could know what I am talking about and what I am going through. The late nights before clinicals studying med cards, the numerous evenings spent thumbing through nursing diagnosis books, and the oh so many mornings spent in clinical hoping that you don't get ripped another one by your clinical instructor. This blog is for all the nursing students out there who feel the passion to be a nurse but yet feel beat down by the system we know as nursing school. This blog is to follow my year and a half left to get my bachelors in nursing. My highs and my lows. The blood (literally), sweat and tears.

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