Trying to get together the strength to start studying. Class starts on Monday which is also the day of my first test, dosage calculations. Sorry for the absence of posting, busy week and I worked last night, which was hectic. I felt so bad for the nurses at work last night. They really are pushed to their limits. I can see why some of them warn me about becoming a nurse. They recieved seven admissions on the floor last night with one tech. It was crazy. The nurses get the short end of the stick, because they end up doing their job and the techs job. A tech could never help a nurse pass meds or do assessments.
I work at a magnet facility, which means nurses are treated with respect, and I can still see the stress that some nurses endure. Of course some handle it better then others. I wonder what type of nurse I will be?? Even through it all I still have the passion and drive to become a nurse. I know it will be stressful, you have someone elses health in your hands. If you are not careful it can be fatal.
There are so many career paths in nursing, which means I don't have to be stuck in a career rut . I just have to find my niche. I hope I can enjoy the ride until I do.
Until then I just have to get through this pesky thing called nursing school.
Good luck with your test tomorrow! I go back on Tuesday--I've seen the 27-pg syllabus though so I think I'm going to start reading NOW. Can't wait to graduate already! lol