The load on my shoulders is now a little less. Turned in my case study paper that I have been working on for weeks. Hoping I get a good grade on it. Not sure how this teacher grades papers. Now on to my case study paper for psych.
Have some quizzes and test coming up, the dates keep getting move and it's starting to get annoying. I keep trying to take one step at a time so I don't get overwhelmed.
Psych was really intersing today. The patients had all been addicts. It was interesting hearing there stories. For alot of them it wasn't there first time there. Really makes me put my life into perspective.
Back to work tonite. Have to meet with my group tommorrow. We are doing a health fair. Our goal is to educate the public on cardiovascular diseases.Oh what fun.
Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Down to the Wire
Now that the semester is almost over. About a month and a half left. Everything is coming to a head. Some may paper. projects, quizzes and test. I feel like they should spread out assignments more evenly. As the weather starts getting warmer, I want to be outside more. I can't because of all the assignments due. I might just go crazy with cabin fever. Lol. Ironic since I had my psych clinical today. I didn't get to see anything but treatment team meeting. By the time I got out of that the kids were is school all day, I was on the adolescent.Then I had my respiratory demo which I passed.
I'm, just about done my case study paper done for medsurg. It is do on Friday. For once I am not procrastinating. I am so proud of myself. I guess this is part of becoming an adult. Now I just have some little assignments i want to tackle tonite.
Summer cant come soon enough. Cant wait for long summer nights spent laying under the stars. My last summer as an undergrad. I'm gonna live it up before I have to tackle the real world!!!!!
I'm, just about done my case study paper done for medsurg. It is do on Friday. For once I am not procrastinating. I am so proud of myself. I guess this is part of becoming an adult. Now I just have some little assignments i want to tackle tonite.
Summer cant come soon enough. Cant wait for long summer nights spent laying under the stars. My last summer as an undergrad. I'm gonna live it up before I have to tackle the real world!!!!!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Naughty Girl
I've been such a bad girl. I have not posted in close to a month. I give my deepest apologies. My Internet was not working which kept me from posting regularly, now its on and popping. Lol.
Been super busy with school. I have about a month and a half left in the semester and its really getting down to the nitty gritty. I have a pharm test this week and my med surg paper is due. I'm doing my paper on atrial fibrillation and it is really working my brain. I probably should have chose something easier like heart failure.
I finally got to go into the ER, after being canceled twice because of the snow storms. It was kinda boring until the last 40 minutes and then an older gentlemen came in in respiratory depression. They had to do CPR and everything. Another student was with me from a different college and they grabbed her to put in a foley in the middle of CPR. I thanked god it wasn't me. I would have been so nervous under all that pressure. She did a good job.
Hope everyone is enjoying the gorgeous weather. I have to work and will be studying most of he weekend. Oh, the sacrifices we make for nursing school.
Been super busy with school. I have about a month and a half left in the semester and its really getting down to the nitty gritty. I have a pharm test this week and my med surg paper is due. I'm doing my paper on atrial fibrillation and it is really working my brain. I probably should have chose something easier like heart failure.
I finally got to go into the ER, after being canceled twice because of the snow storms. It was kinda boring until the last 40 minutes and then an older gentlemen came in in respiratory depression. They had to do CPR and everything. Another student was with me from a different college and they grabbed her to put in a foley in the middle of CPR. I thanked god it wasn't me. I would have been so nervous under all that pressure. She did a good job.
Hope everyone is enjoying the gorgeous weather. I have to work and will be studying most of he weekend. Oh, the sacrifices we make for nursing school.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Hot Pink

PASSED my cardio test in med-surg. Sooo happy. Had a pharmacology test today, don't think I did to well. Put off studying and then I had to cram at the last minute. Definitely not a good idea. I have my first psych test on wed. Kinda nervous because I don't know how her test are.
Cant wait for spring break next week. Not going anywhere special. Getting some extra hours in at work, catching up on studying, and hopefully getting my case study paper completed.
On a brighter note. My stethoscope came in the mail today. Love it. Wanted to get my name engraved on it, because I heard sometimes the nice stethoscope's can "walk" away on the units. The site I got it from didn't offer engraving. Maybe another time.
Hope everyone had a good weekend.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Another snow day
Snowed in yet again on a day I am supposed to shadow in the ER. Spent the day studying for pharmacology, painting my nails, and watching the Golden Girls, the best show ever. I know every episode word for word. It's actually kinda sad.
I ordered a new stethoscope yesterday, in HOT pink. Having trouble hearing heart sounds with mine. Being I'm on a telemetry floor I felt it was a benefit to get another one. I always said I would wait to get a more expensive one when I graduated but I just couldn't wait. Had a psych quiz yesterday, did pretty good.
I also passed my cardiac demo yesterday. I had to do an assessment of the heart. It was pretty easy since I just had my cardiac test and was studying my brains out for it. Planned to spend the rest of the evening snowed in. Might even be snowed in tomorrow too. Plan to get alot of work done. I've been procrastinating alot lately which is def. not good.
I ordered a new stethoscope yesterday, in HOT pink. Having trouble hearing heart sounds with mine. Being I'm on a telemetry floor I felt it was a benefit to get another one. I always said I would wait to get a more expensive one when I graduated but I just couldn't wait. Had a psych quiz yesterday, did pretty good.
I also passed my cardiac demo yesterday. I had to do an assessment of the heart. It was pretty easy since I just had my cardiac test and was studying my brains out for it. Planned to spend the rest of the evening snowed in. Might even be snowed in tomorrow too. Plan to get alot of work done. I've been procrastinating alot lately which is def. not good.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
One foot in front of the other
I have such poor blogging etiquette. Sorry its been awhile since I blogged. I'm going to try and blog on Mondays and Thursdays and add extra if I have the time. Yesterday was my cardiac test in medsurg. It was one of the worst test I have ever taken. I felt so prepared before the test and then I started second guessing myself after it began. Should get our grades at the end of this week. So nervous. Had clinical this morning. Nothing big happened there. On Thursday I'm in the ER since last time I was scheduled we had a snow storm. So much to do this week and next week before spring break. A cardiac assessment demo, case study rough draft, pharm test, psych test, and process recording. Not enough hours in each day. Soooo much studying to get done. Just taking one step at a time and putting one foot in front of the other. Hope everyone had a good day.
Monday, February 15, 2010
When it rains it pours
Feeling so overwhelmed this week. Having problems with my car. My first med surg test is coming up and the cardiovascular system is nerve wrecking. I need to finish up this careplan and I have a process recording due by the end of the week. When it rains it pours. What doesn't kill you will make you stronger. The added stress may give you heart problems though!Lol! Guess I am learning something about the cardiovascular system.
On a brighter note, I had the best valentines day. My boy toy treated me like a princess with dinner at the best little spanish restaurant. The sangria definitely relaxed me. Plus jewelry, what more could a girl ask for. It was a much needed break to take my mind of school.
I wish I could buy back time. There never seems to be enough hours in the day and days in the week. Many people tell me when I look back on my college years I will miss them. Those people must not have been nursing majors.
On a brighter note, I had the best valentines day. My boy toy treated me like a princess with dinner at the best little spanish restaurant. The sangria definitely relaxed me. Plus jewelry, what more could a girl ask for. It was a much needed break to take my mind of school.
I wish I could buy back time. There never seems to be enough hours in the day and days in the week. Many people tell me when I look back on my college years I will miss them. Those people must not have been nursing majors.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Snow Day !!!!!

Like the majority of the northeast, I spent the day snowed in. Schools closed and the area is in a state of emergency. Did I complain no, because no school today = no medsurg test on Monday = more time to study. I did study a little, but spent most of the day watching movies and snuggling up with my doggy, Johnson and shopping online. I hope to spend the rest of the evening being more productive, working on a care plan and studying the exciting world of the conduction system of the heart. The Dysrhythmmias section made me fall asleep earlier today. I am hoping for better studying later. I have to do this studying now so I can do what I want to do when I graduate.
Get to observe in the ER tomorrow, which I'm kinda excited for. Hoping to see something more then kids with the sniffles.
Hope everyone enjoyed there day and kept warm.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
My life for the rest of the semster

Sorry for lack of posting. School and work have been contolling my life. On a brighter note I recieved a 4.0 on my first pharm exam, soooo happy. On a less brighter note, I had a med surg quiz the same day, and I'm pretty sure I failed it.
It's such a struggle to keep up with all the reading for lecture and then the assignments for clinical. I'm trying my best. I have a medsure exam in about a week and Im super nervous because we only have 2 tests in the class. Which means less room for failure. Praying I could make it through this semester and pass. I need summer to come asap.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
They dont waste a minute.

Sorry for the absence in posting, very busy with school and this past weekend was my 23rd birthday. I made this weekend, school work free to enjoy time with my family and friends. In the back of my mind school was nagging at me still. Kept thinking of all the things I could be studying and upcoming assignments. I already have a pharmacology test on on Monday. Little nervous because I have never had this teacher before and I don't know her testing style. Hoping for multiple choice. I feel good though, between lecture and reading the book drugs are starting to make sense.
I'm beginning to feel overwhelmed with studying. So many things and so little time. I feel like I got alot of studying done today, and I plan to do more later.
Had med-surg clinical this week. This semester we are on a telemetry floor. Kinda excited because I work on a telemetry floor so now I can understand when nurses tell me certain things about patients or when I see the monitors.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Tests, quizzes, careplans, process recording, etc.
So yesterday was my first day of class and I already have a throbbing headache. Just looking at the syllabus for medsurg stressed me out. So many extra things to do on top of tests and quizzes, this was just one class. Pharmacology doesn't seem like its gonna be to bad, just have to stay on top of studying. I don't have psychology till tomorrow, but I had orientation on the unit today. I'm not gonna lie, being on the psych unit kinda freaked me out. I'm looking forward to it but I'm afraid a patient might just flip on me one day. The nurses on the unit seemed so calm and relaxed, but I guess they are used to it by now.
I'm just praying that I can make it through this semester and pass every class. Just have to take it one day at a time and study.
I'm just praying that I can make it through this semester and pass every class. Just have to take it one day at a time and study.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
What am I getting myself into????

Trying to get together the strength to start studying. Class starts on Monday which is also the day of my first test, dosage calculations. Sorry for the absence of posting, busy week and I worked last night, which was hectic. I felt so bad for the nurses at work last night. They really are pushed to their limits. I can see why some of them warn me about becoming a nurse. They recieved seven admissions on the floor last night with one tech. It was crazy. The nurses get the short end of the stick, because they end up doing their job and the techs job. A tech could never help a nurse pass meds or do assessments.
I work at a magnet facility, which means nurses are treated with respect, and I can still see the stress that some nurses endure. Of course some handle it better then others. I wonder what type of nurse I will be?? Even through it all I still have the passion and drive to become a nurse. I know it will be stressful, you have someone elses health in your hands. If you are not careful it can be fatal.
There are so many career paths in nursing, which means I don't have to be stuck in a career rut . I just have to find my niche. I hope I can enjoy the ride until I do.
Until then I just have to get through this pesky thing called nursing school.
Monday, January 11, 2010
The countdown continues
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I work night shift on the weekend, which basically makes me a zombie in the daytime.
One week left and freedom as I know it is over. It is official my professor sent out the email with clinical groups and the first set of notes. Beginning the semester with cardiovascular, what fun.
I'm actually looking forward to psych nursing, even though I don't plan to pursue that field of nursing. Learning about the human mind interest me. Now I can start analyzing my family and friends, what fun they will find in that.
One week left and freedom as I know it is over. It is official my professor sent out the email with clinical groups and the first set of notes. Beginning the semester with cardiovascular, what fun.
I'm actually looking forward to psych nursing, even though I don't plan to pursue that field of nursing. Learning about the human mind interest me. Now I can start analyzing my family and friends, what fun they will find in that.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Patent leather pleasure

A couple of days ago I received a scrub catalog in the mail. I fell in love with these black patent beauties by nursmates. A little upset I can't wear them to clinical because we can only wear white shoes. Being a lover of shoes, that is the one downside when it comes to nursing attire. There is not much options to chose from. I will definitely be purchasing them for work. I work as a nursing assistant.
10 days until school starts. I am enjoying actually going to the library for leisure instead of spending hours at an end there reading textbooks and writing care plans and term papers. I admit I am itching for classes to restart, because this brings me closer to graduation. I am also loathing the return to class because of the stress that accompanies it. Nursing school=no life.I feel like I only get to see and interact with my family, friends, and boyfriend in between semesters. When I don't have my nose buried in a nursing textbook I feel guilty. This semester I am taking medsurg II, psych nursing, and pharmacology, which means no free time for me. Being able to graduate with a Bachelors degree in nursing is what keeps my eye on the prize.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Where to Begin
The thought of starting a blog has been brewing in the back of my head for a long time. I just never knew what I would talk about and who would want to read. After going through the numerous tribulations of nursing school it came to me. Only nursing students could know what I am talking about and what I am going through. The late nights before clinicals studying med cards, the numerous evenings spent thumbing through nursing diagnosis books, and the oh so many mornings spent in clinical hoping that you don't get ripped another one by your clinical instructor. This blog is for all the nursing students out there who feel the passion to be a nurse but yet feel beat down by the system we know as nursing school. This blog is to follow my year and a half left to get my bachelors in nursing. My highs and my lows. The blood (literally), sweat and tears.
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